Nova sadna drevesa: hvala/danke LehmWerk

Nova sadna drevesa: hvala/danke LehmWerk


Ko nas je letos pozimi – kakor vso Slovenijo – grozljivo napadel žled, je huda zima močno udarila tudi po naših sadnih drevesih. Polomila je mnoge veje in podrla prenekatero jablano. Tudi mlada dreveščka, ki smo jih skupaj z otroki iz Jurovskega Dola posadili med počitniškimi delavnicami jeseni 2011, so bila hudo poškodovana.

V tistih mrzlih dneh so nam brez pomislekov priskočili na pomoč mnogi prijatelji, tudi naši berlinski partnerji, društvo LehmWerk in njihovi znanci. V spontani prostovoljni akciji so nabrali finančne prispevke v višini 60 evrov za nova drevesa, v želji, da na kraju poškodovanih dreves kar najhitreje zrastejo nova, mlada in zdrava. Andreas Joerdens, iniciator akcije, je takrat zapisal: brez dreves ni marmelade! Naj mi sedaj zapišemo: hvala, hvala, hvala!

Ker nas je letošnja jesen zasula z mnogim delom, obenem pa tudi z nekaj dobrimi novicami, slavnostno sporočamo, da bomo ljubeznivi prispevek naših berlinskih partnerjev porabili v letu 2015, ko bomo s podporo Norveškega sklada izvedli povsem novi, strokovno vodeni projekt v sadovnjaku. Pod mentorskim vodstvom Gregorja Božiča ( bomo namreč na posestvu Zelene centrale vzpostavili pravi mali vzorčni sadovnjak starih sadnih sort Slovenskih goric.

Vsem prijateljem, partnerjem in znancem, ki so nam omogočili ta pomemben korak, se zahvaljujemo in kličemo: na bogate letine!

/// The winter of this year attacked us – as many places in Slovenia – with a dreadful ice and snow: extreme February showed his power and destroyed many of our trees, also our beautiful apple trees. It harmed many trunks and broke many branches, also those little young trees, that we planted during the autumn workshops of 2011, together with numerous children of Jurovski Dol.

In those cold days of February we received a lot of help and support from our friends. Also from our partners from Berlin, the association LehmWerk and it’s acquaintances and friends. In a spontaneous and voluntary action they accumulated a financial contribution of 60 euros for new trees, in a strong wish to replace the harmed trees with the new, healthy ones. Andreas Joerdens, the iniciator of the action, wrote that time: no trees – no marmelade!  Let us write now: thank you, thank you, thank you!

The autumn of this year brought us countless work, but also some good news, and therefore we solemnly announce: the gracious contribution of our friends will be spent in the next year, 2015, when we will – with a great support of Norway Grants – start a very new project in our orchard.  Under the mentorship of Gregor Božič ( we will set up an exemplary orchard with several old fruit varieties of Slovenske gorice. At the end of this project, we will plant numerous new fruit trees – for many new marmelades!

All this would be impossible without a great help of our friends, families and partners. We would like to thank all of you, who made this possible: let the harvest be rich! Thanks/Danke/Grazie/Hvala.

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